It makes me physically ill in just minutes. I am unable to play without taking motion sickness pills because of the incorrect FOV. If you play Overwatch as your 4:3 resolution and don't feel sick after a few minutes then I envy you. That is the affect of improperly anchored FOV. You will notice that you are farther forward then you should be in Overwatch and are closer to your hands then you should be. Then launch something like Battlefield 1 and look at the same. Iaunch the game and look at your hands and the size of the guns and position.
There is only a % of the population that is impacted by motion sickness from incorrect head positions in games. PT in all participating regions across all platforms.
PlayStation 4 owners with a PlayStation Plus membership, Xbox One owners with an Xbox Live Gold membership, and Windows PC users with a account will be able to download and play Overwatch for FREE during this period-no special keys or sign-up codes needed! The free period will begin on February 16 at 11:00 a.m. The Overwatch Free Weekend will run from February 16–19. However Blizzard has been doing a great job of cleaning things up, so I will have to jump back in and check it out. I enjoyed it, but couldn't take the community. Great deal for anyone wanting to try out Overwatch.
Players will also have the ability to level up and earn loot boxes, and if you decide to buy the game any progress you made during the free weekend will carry over. All 26 heroes and 16 maps will be available to plat, in all modes. Blizzard has announced that from February 16th to 19th Overwatch will be free to play on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.